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Alumni Association

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Monthly  Alumni Message 

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Mevaseret Alumni Shabbaton!

Mazel Tov!

Menahel Rav Burg and Rebbitzen Burg on the birth of their first grandchild - 5759

Yehudah Kelaty on his engagement to Chavi Raskin

Gavi Hershkop on his engagement to Chavi Golding - 5781

Pinny Balsam on his engagement to Yael Herman - 5781, 5782

Shlomo Landsman on his engagement to Tari Davis - 5778, 5779

Gavriel Averick on his engagement to Erica Liebowitz - 5771

Asaf Naftali on his engagement to Noa Benhamo - 5779, 5780

Shimmy Fried on his engagement to Adina Simchi - 5783

Jacques Benzakein on his engagement to Dassi Schneider - 5775, 5776

Yitz Taragin on his engagement to Ariella Merrill - 5781, 5782

Eli and Chani Friedman on the birth of a baby boy - 5776, 5777

Mr and Mrs Eli Bernstein on the birth of a baby girl - 5773

Avi and Simma Martin on the birth of a baby boy - 5776, 5777

Brian and Tzippy Lang on the birth of a baby boy - 5772

Zalman and Jordana Moses on the birth of a baby boy - 5773

Yoav and Gila Roth on the birth of a baby boy - 5775

Jeremy and Zahava Wexler on the birth of a baby girl - 5774, 5775

Have A Mazal Tov to Share?

Chodesh Shevat Donations

Yarchai Kallah Sponsors:


Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Schmutter


The Engelsohn Family

Yosef and Suzi Aryeh 

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